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Philippe Gambette

Philippe Gambette

Associate Professor at Université Gustave Eiffel (LIGM, team MOA (Models and Algorithms)

Research interests

After a PhD in Computer Science, and more specifically in Bioinformatics, defended in Montpellier in 2010, about phylogenetic networks, a mathematical model used to represent the evolution of species in case of transfer of genetic material between coexisting species, I'm now focusing on computer scicence problems in digital humanities.

Algorithmics for digital humanities

I work on developing tools and methods to analyse textual data with applications in digital humanities. The notions of similarity and proximity are a major component of the algorithmic approaches I have been designing in this field.

Extracting information from texts

In the project Cité des dames, créatrices dans la cité (2019-2023, funded by Université Gustave Eiffel), which I co-supervise with Caroline Trotot, I focus on extracting information about cities in texts written in French by women since the 16th century. This has led me to develop methods and tools to normalize old texts before applying named entity recognition algorithms. With Catherine Dominguès, I have been co-supervising the PhD Thesis of Chuanming Dong, who works on extracting pollution events from texts.

Fiding similarities in texts

Since September 2021, I have been co-supervising the PhD Thesis of Aaron Boussidan about models and methods to find similarities among theater plays. With Céline Fournial, we developed the website Hyperpièces about the sources of French classical theater (1550-1650).

Uncovering a chronological signal in a corpus has also been the focus on some work with colleagues from Lattice, for which we also defined and studied a comparison problem between a tree and an order on its leaves, both on practical and theoretical aspects.

Previously developed tools for digital humanities

I started working on computer tools for research in humanities during my PhD. With Jean Veronis, I've programmed TreeCloud, to visualize the content of texts using trees of words. With Hyeran Lee, we've worked on an adaptation of the CPIDR software to measure idea density - a linguistic indicator of Alzheimer's disease - in French texts.

Bioinformatics and graph algorithms

During my PhD from Université Montpellier 2. I worked on combinatorial methods for phylogenetic network reconstruction, at the LIRMM (in Olivier Gascuel's bioinformatics group and in Stephan Thomassé's graph algorithmics group), supervised by Christophe Paul and Vincent Berry at LIRMM. Discover Who is Who in Phylogenetic Networks RSS phylogenetic networks!

I have also worked on 2-interval graphs and their restrictions, during my master's thesis supervised by Michel Habib and in collaboration with Stéphane Vialette. We studied other graph classes with Christophe Crespelle, and I have worked on graph clustering problems with Alain Guénoche during my postdoc for ANR project Moonlight in Marseilles.