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What is grappe

grappe (french meaning bunch of grapes) is a pattern matching program developed at Adage project at LORIA

Brief introduction to grappe

grappe is a pattern matching program. It looks, in a text, for a set of patterns containing don't care symbols (wildcards) of unbounded or bounded length. The size of patterns, as well as their length, is unlimited. grappe is expected to be particularly efficient for searching for a big number of patterns, each containing don't cares. However, grappe is competitive with respect to other programs (egrep, agrep) on small pattern sets too. Patterns may occur with substitution errors. The number of errors and their occurrences in a pattern have to be specified by the user (this feature is restricted in grappe 3.0 by one error per keyword, see below). A number of other useful options are present. As an example, the user can specify letters occurring at a given position in a pattern by using multiple choice, or negation. A special option allows to compile a grappe version for DNA treatment.

How it works

The simplest usage of grappe is to call

grappe <patterns> <textfile>

<textfile> is a text file you want to search in.
<patterns> is a description of patterns you want to search for.
Here are some examples. You can consult the README file for a more detailed description of grappe usage.


First, grappe has a special version for working with DNA and RNA sequences (see installation instruction for how to compile this version). This version is case-insensitive, works with five-letter alphabet A,C,G,T,U (U is a synonym of T), and skips the end of line. Besides, this version recognizes the so-called IUPAC nucleid acid codes which are standart abbreviations for nucleotide combinations. Both generic and DNA version of grappe has additional options: Besides, the full version of grappe has one more option: Note that you specify exactly one set of pattern. If no text file is specified then grappe tries to match the standard input. You can specify a set of text files by listing them or using shell regular expressions. For example,
grappe 'void' *.c
looks for pattern void in all c-files in the directory. The usage of grappe is the the following:
grappe [-r] [-l] [-c] [-d <eor_chars>] ([-e] <patterns> | -f <pattern-file>) [>textfiles>]

Download grappe now !

You can download the grappe archive now.

Install grappe now !

Assume you want to have two versions of grappe - a generic one and one for working with DNA/RNA files. After downloading and unzipping the grappe archive, type the following commands.
tar xfvz grappe-3.0.tar.gz
cd grappe-3.0
mkdir generic
cd generic
cd ..
mkdir dna
cd dna
../configure --enable-DNA
After that, a generic version will be located in subdirectory generic of grappe-3.0, and the DNA version in subdirectory dna. Now go ahead and use the version you want.

Get in touch

Although grappe has been tested for a long time, a bug can still be found. If you find any bug in grappe, please send a bug report to Gregory Kucherov and Sébastien Briais. Don't forget to indicate in your mail the command line that provoked the bug (i.e. the set of patterns, options, version of grappe and if possible text files). Also, don't forget to mention which computer and operating system you use and the message you got (segmentation fault, assertion failed, ...). We will try to fix the bug as soon as possible.

If you have any suggestions, comments or critics, don't hesitate to contact Gregory Kucherov and Sébastien Briais.

Authors and references

grappe is based on an algorithm described in

Gregory Kucherov, Michaël Rusinowitch,
Matching a Set Of Strings With Variable Length Don't Cares,
6th Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching,
Helsinki, July 1995, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
vol. 937, (1995), pp 230-247,
Extended version in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 178 (1997), pp. 129-154
You can download the postscript document here.

The following people contributed to the programming of grappe: